度 & 项目 政治科学


You might play the part of a congressional party whip trying to reform health care; or issue a decision on 宗教 freedom as the Chief Justice on the U.S. Supreme Court in a mock trial; or you might just travel to New York as part of a Model United Nations. The political science major trains students in the theory and practice of politics in the United States and the global community, 强调国际关系, 美国政治, 比较政治学和政治哲学. Our department helps students become politically competent citizens in light of the Christian faith, 在一个以政治为特征的世界里忠实地为正义而工作, 社会, 文化, 宗教, 经济多样性.


  • POL 010美国政府(4)
  • POL 020国际政治(4)
  • POL 030政治理论与意识形态(4)
  • POL 040实证政治研究(4)
  • POL 111美国外交政策(4)
  • POL 112国际组织 & 法(4)
  • POL 141电影政治(4)
  • POL 124国际发展(4)
  • POL 131现代政治理论(4)
  • POL 190实习(4)
  • POL 108大会(4)
  • POL 140基督教与政治(4)


  • POL 010美国政府(4)
  • POL 020国际政治(4)
  • POL 030政治理论与意识形态(4)
  • POL 040实证政治研究(4)
  • POL 104宪制法律(4)
  • POL 190实习(法律相关)(4)
  • POL 108大会(4)
  • POL 112国际组织与法律(4)
  • POL 132美国政治思想(4)
  • POL 133当代政治理论(4)
  • POL 106总统选举政治(4)
  • POL 107投票行为(4)
  • POL 108大会(4)
  • POL 109政党及利益集团(4)
  • POL 110美国公众舆论(4)
  • POL 111美国外交政策(4)
  • POL 141体育政治(4)
  • POL 112国际组织与法律(4)
  • POL 123比较外交安全政策(4)
  • POL 126性、性别和权力(4)
  • POL 122欧洲政治(4)
  • POL 124国际发展(4)
  • POL 130经典政治理论(4)
  • POL 131现代政治理论(4)
  • POL 132美国政治思想(4)
  • POL 133当代政治理论(4)
  • POL 140基督教与政治(4)


  • POL 010美国政府(4)
  • POL 020国际政治(4)
  • POL 030政治理论与意识形态(4)
  • POL 040实证政治研究(4)
  • POL 111美国外交政策(4)
  • POL 190实习(4) 
  • POL 104宪制法律(4)
  • POL 105总统职位(4)
  • POL 106总统选举政治(4)
  • POL 107投票行为(4)
  • POL 108大会(4)
  • POL 109政党及利益集团(4)
  • POL 110美国公众舆论(4)
  • POL 141体育政治(4)
  • POL 112国际组织与法律(4)
  • POL 123比较外交安全政策(4)
  • POL 126性、性别和权力(4)
  • POL 122欧洲政治(4)
  • POL 124国际发展(4)
  • POL 130经典政治理论(4)
  • POL 131现代政治理论(4)
  • POL 132美国政治思想(4)
  • POL 133当代政治理论(4)
  • POL 140基督教与政治(4)
  • POL 020国际政治(4)
  • POL 030政治理论与意识形态(4)
  • POL 040实证政治研究(4)
  • 文化人类学概论(4)
  • 宏观经济学原理(4)
  • eb012微观经济学原理(4)
  • POL 112国际组织与法律(4)
  • POL 123比较外交安全政策(4)
  • POL 124国际发展(4)
  • POL 133当代政治理论(4)
  • POL 190实习(4)
  • 跨文化视角下的性别与性别角色(4)
  • POL 126性、性别与权力(4)
  • POL 140基督教与政治(4)
  • RS 142世界宗教(4)
  • AN 140食品系统(4)
  • COM 133冲突与和解(4)
  • COM 138国际修辞学(4)
  • eb104世界贫穷和经济发展
  • eb105商业法(4)
  • HIS 162现代与当代拉丁美洲(4)
  • 182巴以冲突历史(4)
  • HIS 185帝国主义与独立(4)
  • HIS 186现代南亚
  • POL 111美国外交政策(4)
  • POL 122欧洲政治(4)
  • POL 128现代中东地区的文化与冲突(4)


  • 法律
  • 管理咨询
  • 教学
  • 公共关系
  • 政府管理
  • 外国服务
  • 社会服务
  • 军队和警察部门
  • 新闻
  • 基督教的部

Westmont 政治科学 has had excellent success in graduate school admissions and career launch, 95%的校友在毕业后的第一年就找到了工作. Our alumni have pursued further study at institutions such as Georgetown University, 巴黎圣母院, 斯坦福大学, 以及伦敦经济学院. The major proves deeply practical in preparing students for professional success: in addition to law, 公共服务, 外国服务, 以及各个层次的教学, 我们很多专业的学生后来都在商界工作, 金融, 和咨询.


See career paths for graduates who majored or minored in political science at Westmont.



吉米·维特洛克10岁 毕业于法律预科. 大学毕业后, Wittrock worked as a Field Organizer for a Senatorial campaign and then went on to earn a master’s degree from George Washington University (GWU) in Political Management. 在GWU期间, Wittrock worked as a Marketing Assistant at the Democratic National Committee, 并最终回到圣巴巴拉,为美国政府工作.S. 众议院议员洛伊斯·卡普斯. He has worked most recently as the Deputy Campaign Manager for Salud Carbajal’s successful congressional campaign. 

Hannah (Cochrane) Byrnes ' 11 曾在美国国务院(D.O.S) in the Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs as their Policy and Regional Affairs Intern. 在乔治城大学安全研究专业获得硕士学位后, Byrnes worked as a 研究 Intern for the International Strategic 研究 Organization focusing on the U.S.对库尔德工人党在土耳其和伊拉克的立场. She is currently a Senior Consultant for Deloitte Consulting, one of the Big Four accounting firms.

After working on Capitol Hill as a Congressional intern and a John Jay Fellow in Philadelphia, 宾西法尼亚, 泰勒·卡斯尔12 曾就职于著名公共政策研究智库, 美国企业研究所, 作为他们的价值观 & 资本主义的实习生. He was then hired as a Senior Associate for their Academic 项目 and was recently promoted to Program Manager of the Values & 资本主义计划.

前学生会主席 David Dry ' 14 worked on Capitol Hill as a Congressional Intern and taught as a volunteer and camp counselor to South African youth. He has also worked internationally with nonprofits across the world in countries including Bangladesh, 和土耳其. 他还参加了约翰·杰伊研究员计划, and was hired by the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) where he served for several years as Senior Finance Coordinator. 他目前居住在华盛顿特区.C.他是一名国会工作人员. 

乔纳森·克罗斯,92年 lives in North Carolina and has been working for the Department of Defense since graduating from Westmont.

安德里亚·本森04届 is on staff with a mission organization called Christian Associates which does church-planting in Europe. 她正在为移居法国巴黎而争取支持.

萨曼莎(威廉姆斯)韦利05年 works for a grant consulting firm which serves local governments nation-wide. 作为一名研究分析师, she tracks federal funding appropriations and reSearches major grant programs that will benefit their clients in areas such as education, 运输, 环境, 艺术, 和正义. 萨曼莎专门从事慈善基金会研究.

帕特里克·欧德宁02年 目前是A.R.S. & Associates doing building and fire code consulting for new developments in San Francisco. His business works as the go-between for the developer and the various city agencies in San Francisco to help high rise construction projects from the entitlement phase to final completion.

Megan Shrader ' 02, is a news anchor and television host in San Antonio, Texas for the local CBS affiliate. 她主持了一个名为Great Day SA的节目.梅根还为《ag娱乐官网》商业杂志自由撰稿. “I think 政治科学 has definitely given me an edge in the news industry. I don’t just report the issues, I can understand and discuss them with folks.”

谢丽·沃伦94年 是微软的开发主管吗. “It’s not exactly using the political science degree, but politics is in every interaction we have! 我非常感谢我在韦斯特蒙的时光!”